14 Feb 2011 | 19:15
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Horse Alert

Search: Horse Jockey Trainer Owner All

Search results for McManus

Owners Horses

A Country Girl (IRE)

A Different World (IRE)

A Dream To Share (IRE)

A Good Guess (IRE)

A Great Buzz (IRE)

A Great View (IRE)

A Grey Matter (IRE)

A Hardy Nailer (IRE)

A Little Magic (IRE)

A Minute To Go (IRE)

A Nice Touch (IRE)

A Stones Throw (NZ)

A Wave Of The Sea (IRE)

A Year To Remember (IRE)

Aa Bee See (GB)

Abbey Garth (IRE)

Abbey Glen (IRE)

Able Stalwart (IRE)

About The House (IRE)

Above Board (IRE)

Abram's Bridge (IRE)

Abutilon (GB)

Abyssinian (IRE)

Acairde (IRE)

Accidental Outlaw (IRE)

Achiever (IRE)

Across The Divide (IRE)

Act In Time (IRE)

Action Replay (IRE)

Adajal (IRE)

Adare Manor (IRE)

Adarma (IRE)

Aeglos (IRE)

Afarad (IRE)

Afillyation (GB)

Afistfullofpebbles (GB)

Afootinthedoor (IRE)

After Rain (FR)

After The Roar (IRE)

Against The Breeze (IRE)

Aggie (IRE)

Aigle D'or (GB)

Ainama (IRE)

Air Supremacy (IRE)

Akram (IRE)

Alaivan (IRE)

Aland Islands (IRE)

Alderwood (IRE)

Alexander Leaving (IRE)

Alfa Mix (GB)

Alfie Sherrin (GB)

Alices Lad (IRE)

Alittlebitofblue (IRE)

All Being Well (IRE)

All Day Long (IRE)

All In Favour (IRE)

All Is Well (IRE)

All Systems Go (IRE)

All The Answers (GB)

All The Sevens (IRE)

All Those Years (GB)

All Told (IRE)

All Walks Of Life (IRE)

Allelu Alleluia (GER)

Allez Les Bleu (IRE)

Alone They Stand (IRE)

Along The Way (GB)

Alphabet Bay (IRE)

Alpine Eagle (IRE)

Alright Now M'Lad (IRE)

Alvisio Ville (FR)

Amarula Ridge (IRE)

American Legend (IRE)

Ample Space (GB)

Amuigh Fein Speir (IRE)

Andy Dufresne (IRE)

Angel Chorus (IRE)

Angelus (GER)

Anibale Fly (FR)

Another Hero (IRE)

Another Sensation (FR)

Another Trump (NZ)

Anxious Moments (IRE)

Any Minute Now (IRE)

Any Second Now (IRE)

Anyportinastorm (IRE)

Anywayyoulookatit (IRE)

Apache Drums (IRE)

Apple's Shakira (FR)

Aqua Traverse (IRE)

Aquarian (IRE)

Arabian Diamond (IRE)

Aramax (GER)

Aranleigh (IRE)

Arbor Supreme (IRE)

Arctic Light (GB)

Arctic Pond (IRE)

Arctic Warrior (GER)

Ardistan (IRE)

Arigna (IRE)

Arigna Miner (IRE)

Arizona Kid (IRE)

Around Before (IRE)

Around The Block (IRE)

Arranmur (IRE)

Arthur's Quay (IRE)

Arverne (FR)

As And When (IRE)

As You Like (IRE)

Asluckwouldhaveit (IRE)

Aspen Colorado (IRE)

At Fishers Cross (IRE)

At This Moment (IRE)

At Your Ease (IRE)

Atticus Boy (USA)

Auvergnat (FR)

Avada Kedavra (IRE)

Award Winner (GB)

Aworkinprogress (IRE)

Aye Aye (FR)

Aztec Treasure (NZ)

Baba Boom (IRE)

Baby Whizz (IRE)

Bachelor Pad (IRE)

Back Me Up (IRE)

Back On Top (IRE)

Back To Base (IRE)

Back To Square One (IRE)

Backspin (IRE)

Badgerfort (IRE)

Baggio (IRE)

Baikal (GB)

Baileanbhricoig (IRE)

Ballinscaula (IRE)

Ballybawn Belter (IRE)

Ballyburke (IRE)

Ballybury (IRE)

Ballyclough (IRE)

Ballyhoura (IRE)

Ballykettrail (IRE)

Ballynacree (IRE)

Ballyneety (GB)

Ballyoisin (IRE)

Ballysheedy (IRE)

Baltazar D'allier (FR)

Band of Outlaws (IRE)

Banks Boy (IRE)

Banksoftheshannon (GB)

Banter At The Bar (GB)

Baracouda (FR)

Barrie Burn (IRE)

Barrington Court (IRE)

Barrington's Pier (IRE)

Batten Down (IRE)

Battle Flag (IRE)

Battle It Out (IRE)

Bay Hill (IRE)

Be My Better Half (IRE)

Be Positive (IRE)

Be That As It May (GB)

Be The Tops (IRE)

Be With Me Now (IRE)

Beach Of Falesa (IRE)

Beacon Lodge (IRE)

Bedford Row (NZ)

Before Sundown (NZ)

Beginningtogetup (IRE)

Belargus (FR)

Belcantista (FR)

Bella Ballerina (IRE)

Bellvano (GER)

Benaud (IRE)

Benetwood (IRE)

Benzel (IRE)

Best Intentions (IRE)

Best Kept Secret (IRE)

Best Of Three (GB)

Best Practice (IRE)

Best Think Twice (IRE)

Better Hand (IRE)

Better Than Conan (IRE)

Better Times Ahead (IRE)

Between Friends (IRE)

Beyond Your Dreams (IRE)

Bhutan (IRE)

Big Al (IRE)

Big And Easy (IRE)

Big Ben (GB)

Billytheblacksmith (IRE)

Binocular (FR)

Bioluminescence (IRE)

Birchdale (IRE)

Birdie Blitz (IRE)

Birdie Or Bust (IRE)

Birdsandthebees (IRE)

Bird\'s Eye View (GB)

Black N White (IRE)

Blackthorn Prince (GB)

Blaze Of Fire (GB)

Blazer (FR)

Blazes Boylan (IRE)

Bleu Et Rouge (FR)

Blissful Moment (USA)

Bloody Mary (FR)

Blooming Quick (IRE)

Bloomsday (IRE)

Blow The Doors Off (GB)

Blue Canyon (FR)

Blue Sari (FR)

Blue Templar (IRE)

Bluesea Cracker (IRE)

Bob Hall (IRE)

Bob Lingo (IRE)

Bobby Ray (IRE)

Bobleeswagger (IRE)

Boherbuoy (IRE)

Bold Henry (GB)

Bold Raider (IRE)

Bon Papa (FR)

Bonne Noel's (IRE)

Borderlinedecision (IRE)

Born Again (IRE)

Boss\'s Star (IRE)

Bottle Rattler (IRE)

Bounce Of The Ball (IRE)

Boutefeu (FR)

Bouvreuil (FR)

Box Office (FR)

Brainwave (IRE)

Bras D'or (FR)

Brave Poppy (IRE)

Brazil (IRE)

Breaking Silence (IRE)

Brelan D'as (FR)

Brennans Row (IRE)

Bricks To Clicks (IRE)

Bridge Street (IRE)

Brigade Charge (USA)

Brochure (IRE)

Broomfield Burg (IRE)

Bruff (IRE)

Buachaillbocht (GB)

Buailtes And Fadas (IRE)

Buck Barrow (IRE)

Bulgaden (IRE)

Bushy Island (IRE)

Busy Henry (GB)

Butler's Cabin (FR)

Buttons And Bows (IRE)

Buveur D\'air (FR)

By Design (IRE)

By The Minute (IRE)

Byerley Babe (IRE)

Byzantium (FR)

Cabane Des Taules (IRE)

Cadatharla (IRE)

Caddie Master (IRE)

Call A Cab (IRE)

Call Rog (IRE)

Call The Cops (IRE)

Calthor (IRE)

Calypso Bay (IRE)

Camp Hope (IRE)

Campeador (FR)

Camprond (FR)

Can't Buy Time (IRE)

Can't Stop Smiling (IRE)

Canal Bank (IRE)

Canal End (IRE)

Candelaria (GB)

Canelie (FR)

Canon Barney (IRE)

Cantlow (IRE)

Capital Pursuit (IRE)

Capodanno (FR)

Cappagh (IRE)

Captain Barbossa (IRE)

Captain Cee Bee (IRE)

Captain Cutter (IRE)

Captain Morley (GB)

Carabinier (FR)

Care And Share (IRE)

Carey's Road (NZ)

Carlingford Lough (IRE)

Carlton Jack (GB)

Carried With Love (IRE)

Carrig Cathal (GB)

Carriganog (IRE)

Carrigmartin (IRE)

Case Equal (IRE)

Castello Sforza (IRE)

Castle Howard (IRE)

Castle Oliver (IRE)

Castlecrossings (IRE)

Catch Me (GER)

Caught On The Hop (IRE)

Cause Of Causes (USA)

Cayd Boy (FR)

Celebrity Sevi (IRE)

Celestial Horizon (IRE)

Centreofattention (IRE)

Cernunnos (FR)

Chalk It Down (IRE)

Chamonix (IRE)

Champ (IRE)

Champagne At Tara (GB)

Champagne Court (IRE)

Champagne Platinum (IRE)

Champion Green (IRE)

Chance Your Arm (IRE)

Chancol (FR)

Changing Gear (IRE)

Changing The Rules (IRE)

Chantry House (IRE)

Charge It (IRE)

Charli Parcs (FR)

Charmahal (IRE)

Charming Hills (IRE)

Chasing The Light (IRE)

Cheap And Cheerful (GB)

Checkpointcharlie (IRE)

Chesapeake (IRE)

Chesterfieldavenue (IRE)

Chip Shot (IRE)

Chirico Vallis (FR)

Choir Practice (GB)

Christopher Wren (USA)

Churchonthehill (IRE)

Chute Hall (IRE)

Ciel De Neige (FR)

Cillian\'s Return (IRE)

City Hall (IRE)

City Slicker (IRE)

City Streets (GB)

City Theatre (IRE)

Clan Leader (IRE)

Clan Royal (FR)

Classic Event (IRE)

Classicworksofart (IRE)

Claude Greengrass (GB)

Clean Sheet (IRE)

Clear Skies (GB)

Clew Bay Cove (IRE)

Clew Bay Lodge (IRE)

Clock In (IRE)

Clogher Lass (GB)

Clonard Street (GB)

Close One (IRE)

Close Shave (GB)

Clubs Are Trumps (IRE)

Cnoc Aine (IRE)

Cochise (IRE)

Cock And Hen (IRE)

Cockney Trucker (IRE)

Coconut Beach (GB)

Code Of The West (IRE)

Coeur Joyeux (IRE)

Coffee (IRE)

Colbert Station (IRE)

College Boy (IRE)

College Field (GB)

Collooney (IRE)

Colonel Bradley (IRE)

Colour Squadron (IRE)

Come Up Trumps (IRE)

Comfort Zone (IRE)

Common Practice (IRE)

Common Practice (IRE)

Competitive Edge (IRE)

Concordin (IRE)

Coney Island (IRE)

Conkering (USA)

Consul De Thaix (FR)

Cook Islands (IRE)

Cool Getaway (IRE)

Cool Running (IRE)

Coolaghknock Glebe (IRE)

Coppers And Coins (GB)

Copy That (IRE)

Coqolino (FR)

Corbally (IRE)

Corbally Cross (IRE)

Corbetts Cross (IRE)

Corlay (FR)

Cougar (JPN)

Counter Shy (IRE)

Countister (FR)

Country Escape (GB)

County Final (IRE)

Crackin' Pint (GB)

Cracking Up (IRE)

Cradle Mountain (IRE)

Craic (IRE)

Cratloe Hill (IRE)

Crebilly (IRE)

Crecora Hills (IRE)

Creon (GB)

Crimson Canyon (IRE)

Crocodiles Rock (IRE)

Cross The Flags (IRE)

Cross The Highman (IRE)

Crossed My Mind (IRE)

Cruises Street (IRE)

Cup Final (IRE)

Curly Wee (IRE)

Curraghchase (IRE)

Curragower (IRE)

Cut The Cake (IRE)

Cut The Cards (IRE)

Cyborsun (FR)

Dafarabad (IRE)

Dakar Run (GB)

Dalila Du Seuil (FR)

Damalisque (FR)

Dame De Compagnie (FR)

Danamour (IRE)

Dancing Tornado (IRE)

Dante Hall (IRE)

Darasso (FR)

Dark Room (IRE)

Darlan (GB)

Darling Harbour (FR)

Davis Street (IRE)

Dawn Rising (IRE)

Dawson's Cottage (IRE)

Dawson's Gate (IRE)

Day Day (IRE)

Day In The Sun (IRE)

De Name Escapes Me (IRE)

Dead Right (GB)

Dead Sound (IRE)

Deaf Ear (GB)

Dear Boss (IRE)

Decalage Horaire (FR)

Decathlon (IRE)

Deep Thinker (IRE)

Defi Du Seuil (FR)

Defy Logic (IRE)

Delirant (FR)

Demi Plie (IRE)

Demon D'aunou (FR)

Demopolis (FR)

Desmond Castle (IRE)

Destin D'ajonc (FR)

Diaco (IRE)

Diamond Cut (IRE)

Diamond Warrior (FR)

Diamond\'s First (IRE)

Diary Date (IRE)

Didn't He Do Well (IRE)

Didn'thavemuchtodo (IRE)

Didn'tsleepawink (IRE)

Didtheyleaveuoutto (IRE)

Dieg Man (FR)

Different Class (IRE)

Dingaling (IRE)

Dinoblue (FR)

Diophas (GER)

Dip In The Med (IRE)

Dirty Boy (FR)

Dlauro (FR)

Do Whatever (IRE)

Doctor Pat (IRE)

Domos Boy (IRE)

Don't Let Go (IRE)

Don't Push It (IRE)

Donkey Years (IRE)

Donnellan (IRE)

Donoughmore (IRE)

Dont Kick Nor Bite (IRE)

Dont Tell Jack (IRE)

Dontbitedabait (IRE)

Dontlettheoldmanin (IRE)

Don\'t Be Late (IRE)

Don\'t Touch It (IRE)

Dooley (GB)

Dostal Phil (FR)

Dotie Boy (GB)

Double Seven (IRE)

Down Memory Lane (IRE)

Down The Middle (IRE)

Down Under (IRE)

Dr Sanderson (IRE)

Dr Wallace (IRE)

Dr Whizz (IRE)

Draco (GB)

Dream Berry (FR)

Dreamaker (IRE)

Dreamsoftheatre (IRE)

Dreamsrmadeofthis (IRE)

Dressedtothenines (IRE)

Drole D'artiste (FR)

Drombanna Boy (IRE)

Drombeag (IRE)

Drop In The Ocean (GB)

Drop The Anchor (IRE)

Drumcliff (IRE)

Drumlee (IRE)

Duc De Beauchene (FR)

Duffys Getaway (IRE)

Dundrum Lad (IRE)

Dursey Sound (IRE)

Dutch Star (GB)

Eaglehill (FR)

Early Doors (FR)

Easingrestrictions (GB)

Eastlake (IRE)

Easy Street (IRE)

Easysland (FR)

Eclat De Star (FR)

Eddie Boy (GB)

Edmaaj (IRE)

Edna (FR)

Edwulf (GB)

Ego Des Mottes (FR)

Eight Chimes (FR)

El Macca (IRE)

El Romo (IRE)

Elegant Statesman (IRE)

Elimay (FR)

Elixir D'Ainay (FR)

Ellen Street (IRE)

Empreinte Reconce (FR)

Ena Baie (FR)

Encore Lui (FR)

Engelus (FR)

Englishtown (FR)

Enjoy D'allen (FR)

Entoucas (FR)

Envol Pierji (FR)

Epatante (FR)

Equal Status (IRE)

Espoir D'allen (FR)

Euripides (IRE)

Even If (GB)

Ever So Much (IRE)

Everlastingpromise (GB)

Evidence De Thaix (FR)

Exchange Rate (IRE)

Expelliarmus (IRE)

Fact Or Fiction (IRE)

Fact To File (FR)

Factotum (GB)

Fade Away (IRE)

Fahamore (GB)

Fair City (GB)

Fair Minded (IRE)

Fair Of Cappamore (IRE)

Fair Play To You (IRE)

Fair Return (GB)

Fairly Legal (IRE)

Fairway Finder (IRE)

Fairy Island (IRE)

Fakir D'oudairies (FR)

Falcon Crest (IRE)

Faldo (IRE)

Falsino (GER)

Fancy Your Chances (IRE)

Fanfaron Dino (FR)

Far From Trouble (IRE)

Farid (FR)

Farinel (GB)

Farringdon (GB)

Favoured Nation (IRE)

Fayette County (IRE)

Featherinyourcap (GB)

Feeling The Love (IRE)

Fenix Two (GB)

Feronily (IRE)

Feuille De Chene (FR)

Fever Pitch (IRE)

Field Marshal (IRE)

Fier Goumier (FR)

Fier Normand (FR)

Fierce Handay (IRE)

Fiery Brown (IRE)

Fightfortheroses (IRE)

Fighting Fit (GB)

Fighting Flynn (IRE)

Filey Bay (IRE)

Film D'action (FR)

Filon D'oudairies (FR)

Final Orders (IRE)

Finding Touch (IRE)

Finding Your Feet (IRE)

Fine Brunello (FR)

Fine Cut (IRE)

Finger Onthe Pulse (IRE)

Finished Article (IRE)

Firmage Burg (FR)

First Gold (FR)

First In Line (IRE)

First Quarter (GB)

First Tee (IRE)

Firth Of Forth (IRE)

Fishoutofwater (IRE)

Fit For The Job (IRE)

Fit To Be Tied (IRE)

Fitzhenry (IRE)

Flagship Uberalles (IRE)

Flamin Audi (GER)

Flaming Dawn (IRE)

Flemensford (IRE)

Fleminport (IRE)

Flew The Nest (IRE)

Flinteur Sacre (FR)

Floral Fantasy (IRE)

Florishwells D\'ete (FR)

Flou Artsistique (FR)

Flying Scotsman (IRE)

Focus Point (IRE)

Follow The Crowd (IRE)

Follow Your Heart (IRE)

For Good Measure (IRE)

Foreman (GER)

Fort Laramie (IRE)

Fort Ord (IRE)

Forthefunofit (IRE)

Fortunate Man (IRE)

Forty Five (IRE)

Forty One Phases (IRE)

Forward Flight (IRE)

Fota Island (IRE)

Found Gold (GB)

Four Schools (IRE)

Four Strong Winds (IRE)

Fourball (IRE)

Fox Bend (IRE)

Fox Le Bel (FR)

Fox Point (USA)

Foxesbow (IRE)

Foxfire Glow (FR)

France De Reve (FR)

Franchoek (IRE)

Free (FR)

Free Expression (IRE)

Freefairngenuine (IRE)

French Made (FR)

Freneys Well (GB)

Freneys Well (GB)

Front Of House (IRE)

Front View (FR)

Fu Manchu (GB)

Full Of Joy (IRE)

Full Of Surprises (FR)

Further Proof (GB)

Future Profit (IRE)

Future Romance (IRE)

Future Vision (GB)

G'Day Mate (IRE)

Gabreselassie (IRE)

Gain De Cause (FR)

Galianna (IRE)

Galilean (IRE)

Gallant Oscar (IRE)

Gallant Tipp (IRE)

Galvanising (AUS)

Gameface (IRE)

Gap Of Dunloe (IRE)

Garde Champetre (FR)

Gardens of Babylon (IRE)

Gars De Sceaux (FR)

Gavrocheka (FR)

Gelboe De Chanay (FR)

General Moriviere (FR)

Genois (FR)

Gentleman De Mee (FR)

Gentleman Duke (IRE)

Geordie Des Champs (IRE)

George Bancroft (GB)

George Travis (IRE)

Georgian Quarter (IRE)

Gerboise Borget (FR)

Get Back In Line (IRE)

Get It Done (IRE)

Get It Right (IRE)

Get Me Out Of Here (IRE)

Get My Drift (FR)

Get On Board (IRE)

Get Up And Go (IRE)

Get With It (IRE)

Get Your Coat (IRE)

Getaway Katie Mai (IRE)

Getoutwhenyoucan (IRE)

Getting Back (IRE)

Getting Late (IRE)

Gibbonsgrove (IRE)

Gilded Reflection (GB)

Gilgamboa (IRE)

Gimme A Buzz (IRE)

Ginflix (FR)

Gitche Gumee (GB)

Give Me A Break (IRE)

Give Me A Minute (IRE)

Give Me A Smile (IRE)

Giveittomestraight (IRE)

Gjoumi (FR)

Gladiator King (IRE)

Glan (IRE)

Glen Of Aherlow (IRE)

Glenbogle (GB)

Glenfinn Captain (IRE)

Glenloe (IRE)

Glenquin Castle (IRE)

Glens Of Antrim (IRE)

Glenstal Abbey (IRE)

Globalisation (IRE)

Glorious Feeling (IRE)

Glory For Rory (IRE)

Go As You Please (IRE)

Go Get Em Kid (IRE)

Go Girl (IRE)

Go On Line (GB)

Go Roger Go (IRE)

God Of The Kop (IRE)

Going For Broke (IRE)

Gold Seal (IRE)

Gold Struck (GB)

Goldboy (IRE)

Golden Sunset (GB)

Golden Ticket (AUS)

Golf Marin (FR)

Good Call (IRE)

Good Cause (IRE)

Good Decision (IRE)

Good Harvest (IRE)

Good Heavens (IRE)

Good Judgement (IRE)

Good Knight (IRE)

Good Line (IRE)

Good Lord (FR)

Good Reception (IRE)

Goodbuy Or Goodbye (IRE)

Goodie Two Shoes (IRE)

Goodnightngodbless (IRE)

Goraibhmaithagat (IRE)

Gorgeous Suspect (FR)

Goss (GB)

Gosuatri (FR)

Got To Fly (IRE)

Gotno Destination (IRE)

Grain D'oudairies (FR)

Gran Geste (FR)

Grand Bay (USA)

Grand Morning (GB)

Grand Slam (IRE)

Grange (IRE)

Great Field (FR)

Great Memories (GB)

Great Work (IRE)

Green Debate (USA)

Grimes (GB)

Grivelin (FR)

Groody Hill (IRE)

Ground Ball (IRE)

Grove Island (IRE)

Guetapan Collonges (FR)

Guiri (GER)

Gulliver Collonges (FR)

Gussy Goose (IRE)

Guy De Guye (FR)

Gyles\' Quay (IRE)

Gypsy Island (IRE)

Had No Choice (IRE)

Haldon Hill (IRE)

Hallmark (IRE)

Hands Down (IRE)

Hands Of Gold (IRE)

Hands On (IRE)

Handy Option (IRE)

Hang Time (IRE)

Hanko (GER)

Happy As Larry (IRE)

Harbour Highway (IRE)

Harbour Lights (IRE)

Hard Tackle (IRE)

Hard To Call (IRE)

Hardiman (IRE)

Hardtotake (IRE)

Hargam (FR)

Harley Street (IRE)

Harold's Cross (AUS)

Harry Alonzo (IRE)

Hartigan (IRE)

Harvard Guy (GB)

Harvey Logan (IRE)

Harvey's Quay (IRE)

Hash Brown (IRE)

Hashtag Val (FR)

Hasthing (FR)

Hasty Prince (GB)

Have A Few (IRE)

Haveigotnewsforyou (IRE)

Having A Cut (IRE)

Hawai Game (FR)

Hawk's Landing (IRE)

Hawkhurst (IRE)

Hawthorn (IRE)

Hayzoom (GB)

Head Law (FR)

Head Of The Posse (IRE)

Heads Onthe Ground (IRE)

Headwind (IRE)

Hear Me Out (IRE)

Heard A Whisper (GB)

Heart Of A Lion (IRE)

Hearts Are Trumps (IRE)

Heathfield (IRE)

Heck Thomas (IRE)

Heel Flick (IRE)

Hegarty (IRE)

Hell's Kitchen (GB)

Henry Higgins (IRE)

Hercule Du Seuil (FR)

Herewego Herewego (IRE)

Hero Again (IRE)

Hero's Welcome (IRE)

Heroic (IRE)

Hey Ref (IRE)

Hidden Jem (IRE)

Hidden Oasis (IRE)

High Fidelitay (IRE)

High Gear (IRE)

High Notes (IRE)

High Road (IRE)

High Tail It (IRE)

High Tide (IRE)

Highdownhill (NZ)

Hikari Pompadour Aa (FR)

Hilali (IRE)

Hipsters (FR)

Hired Hand (IRE)

Hit The Crossbar (IRE)

Hit The Flag (GB)

Hit The Net (IRE)

Ho My Lord (FR)

Hob House (FR)

Hobbs Hill (GB)

Hogan\'s Alley (IRE)

Hogan\'s Bridge (IRE)

Holddoor (IRE)

Holly (FR)

Hope You Do (FR)

Hopeful Start (IRE)

Horn Cape (FR)

Hospital (IRE)

Hot On My Heels (IRE)

Hot Rod (IRE)

Housesofparliament (IRE)

Hunt Museum (IRE)

Hunting Brook (IRE)

Hurricane Season (GB)

Hurricane Sky (IRE)

I Am Maximus (FR)

I Am River (IRE)

I Am Sailing (IRE)

I Get It (GB)

I Knew Well (IRE)

I'm The Decider (IRE)

Iberico Lord (FR)

Ibis Doctor (FR)

Icare Allen (FR)

Ice Melted (IRE)

If In Doubt (IRE)

If Not For You (IRE)

Ihearwhatursaying (IRE)

Ike\'s Pond (GB)

Ilikedwayurthinkin (IRE)

Imagine The Chat (GB)

Immortal Bridge (IRE)

Impatient Partner (IRE)

Imperator Rex (GER)

Imperial Bede (FR)

Impervious (IRE)

Impose Toi (FR)

In Discussion (IRE)

In Excelsis Deo (FR)

In Extra Time (IRE)

In For The Night (IRE)

In Good Nick (GB)

In Her Stride (IRE)

In The Circle (IRE)

In The Park (IRE)

In The Picture (IRE)

In The Pipeline (IRE)

In The Rough (IRE)

In The Sand (IRE)

In The Zone (IRE)

Inca Gold (IRE)

Indian File (IRE)

Indiana Dream (FR)

Indien Rouge (FR)

Informationisking (IRE)

Innox (FR)

Inothewayurthinkin (IRE)

Inside The Square (GB)

Intent Approach (IRE)

Interieur Cuir (FR)

Inthenickoftime (IRE)

Inthepocket (GB)

Into The Wild (IRE)

Intranet (FR)

Invictus Machin (FR)

Irancy (FR)

Irish Buccaneer (IRE)

Irish Bulletin (IRE)

Iroko (FR)

Islo (FR)

It Is What It Is (IRE)

It Would Appear (IRE)

It's A Gimme (IRE)

It's How U Tell Em (IRE)

It's Like That (IRE)

It's Never Simple (IRE)

It's Only A Number (IRE)

Its All About You (IRE)

Its On The Line (IRE)

Its Only A Dream (IRE)

Its The Ice I Like (IRE)

Itsallhappening (IRE)

Itsnothingpersonal (IRE)

Itstimetomoveon (IRE)

It\'s A Doddle (IRE)

It\'s A New Day (GB)

It\'s An Eagle (IRE)

It\'s Like That (IRE)

Ivanovich Gorbatov (IRE)

Iveagh Gardens (IRE)

I\'dliketheoption (IRE)

Jack Of Spades (IRE)

Jack Steel (IRE)

Jack The Ref (IRE)

Jacko Star (IRE)

Jackofalltrades (IRE)

Jacksonslady (IRE)

Jagwar (FR)

Jail Boreen (IRE)

Jalila Moriviere (FR)

Jam Packed (IRE)

Jam Roll (IRE)

Jamaicaine (FR)

Janes Harbour (IRE)

Janidil (FR)

Janidou (FR)

Jarry D\'honneur (FR)

Jasmin De Grugy (FR)

Jeaniemacaroney (IRE)

Jenari (IRE)

Jered (IRE)

Jeriko Du Reponet (FR)

Jerisk Star (FR)

Jer\'s Girl (IRE)

Jet Propelled (IRE)

Jewel In The Sun (IRE)

Jewel Star (IRE)

Jezki (IRE)

Jit Langy (FR)

Jo March (IRE)

Job Well Done (IRE)

Jockies Burn (IRE)

Johnnywho (IRE)

Johns Square (IRE)

Johnston's Swallow (IRE)

Join The Clan (IRE)

Jolie Coeur Allen (FR)

Jollyallan (GB)

Joly Maker (IRE)

Jonbon (FR)

Jones's Road (IRE)

Jongleur D'etoiles (FR)

Josh D'id (FR)

Joshua Lane (IRE)

Joueur Masque (FR)

Joyeuse (FR)

Joyeux Vivo (FR)

Judge Roy Bean (IRE)

Julius (FR)

Jump The Shark (IRE)

Jumper Madrik (FR)

Jumptoconclusions (IRE)

Just Acting (IRE)

Just As Well (IRE)

Just Back (IRE)

Just For You (GB)

Just Shove It (IRE)

Justfortherecord (IRE)

Kadiskar (IRE)

Kadoun (IRE)

Kaid D'authie (FR)

Kainsbourg (FR)

Kalopsia (IRE)

Kap Ouest (FR)

Karabak (FR)

Karoline Banbou (FR)

Katnap (FR)

Kawaboomga (FR)

Keen Eye (IRE)

Keepatem (IRE)

Kel Histoire (FR)

Kempes (IRE)

Kensington Oval (GB)

Khairabar (IRE)

Khrisma (FR)

Kia Kaha (GB)

Kickham (IRE)

Kid Cassidy (IRE)

Kientzheim (FR)

Kilclispeen (IRE)

Kilfenora (IRE)

Killer Miller (IRE)

Kilmurry (IRE)

Kilshannig (IRE)

Kimberlite Candy (IRE)

Kimmins (GB)

King Johns Castle (IRE)

King Pellinor (IRE)

King's Deal (IRE)

Kinneagh Cross (IRE)

Kitten Rock (FR)

Kloth Of Utopia (FR)

Knife Edge (USA)

Knock On The Head (IRE)

Knockea (IRE)

Knocknagow Leader (IRE)

Knotted Midge (IRE)

Know Your Place (GB)

Konitho (FR)

Kotkikova (FR)

L'ami (FR)

La Domaniale (FR)

La Sarrazine (FR)

Lace Your Boots (IRE)

Laissez Dire (FR)

Lake Baikal (FR)

Lake McKenzie (IRE)

Landofhopeandglory (IRE)

Lariat Sam (IRE)

Laskadine (FR)

Last Kingdom (FR)

Last Round (IRE)

Last Shadow (GB)

Lastdanceforme (IRE)

Laura Star (IRE)

Law Rebel (IRE)

Le Coudray (FR)

Le Curieux (FR)

Le Musigny (FR)

Le Prezien (FR)

Le Richebourg (FR)

Leave At Dawn (IRE)

Leave It To Me (IRE)

Leave Your Mark (IRE)

Less Time (IRE)

Lesssaidthebetter (IRE)

Let's Talk (IRE)

Let's Twist Again (IRE)

Lethal Weapon (IRE)

Letthegamesbegin (GB)

Lettheriverrundry (IRE)

Let\'s Celebrate (IRE)

Levitski (GB)

Liathroidisneachta (IRE)

Liberty Boy (IRE)

Lieutenant (IRE)

Life Begins (IRE)

Life Of Reilly (NZ)

Lift The Latch (IRE)

Light Of My Life (IRE)

Like A Bee (IRE)

Like A Bird (IRE)

Like Your Style (IRE)

Like-A-Butterfly (IRE)

Lilium De Cotte (FR)

Limerick Lace (IRE)

Limerick Lane (IRE)

Limerickurmylady (IRE)

Line Ball (IRE)

Lingo (IRE)

Links Course (IRE)

Lios A Choill (IRE)

Lismakeery (IRE)

Lissnabrucka (IRE)

Listen And Learn (IRE)

Listen Here (GB)

Litterale Ci (FR)

Live At Five (IRE)

Live Our Dreams (IRE)

Local Lassie (IRE)

Lock's Corner (IRE)

Lockstockandbarrel (IRE)

Lone Star (IRE)

Lone Wolf (IRE)

Long May It Last (IRE)

Long Road (USA)

Long Way Back (IRE)

Longterm (IRE)

Longue Attente (FR)

Longueville Manor (FR)

Lordly Leader (IRE)

Lost Glory (NZ)

Lost Oscar (IRE)

Lost Time (IRE)

Lots Of Fun (IRE)

Lough Ennell (IRE)

Lough Gur (IRE)

Lough Muckno (IRE)

Louisville Lip (IRE)

Love Rory (IRE)

Lovely Hurling (IRE)

Lovely Reaction (IRE)

Luimneach (IRE)

Luimneach Abu (IRE)

Lunabarato (FR)

Lust For Life (IRE)

Ma Se Do Thoile (IRE)

Maasai (IRE)

Mac Hine (IRE)

Macbride (IRE)

Macs Canyon (IRE)

Macs Gildoran (GB)

Macs Mandalus (GB)

Macs Valley (IRE)

Mad Fish (IRE)

Mad For Road (IRE)

Mad For The Craic (GB)

Made In Time (IRE)

Magic Tricks (FR)

Magnolia Drive (IRE)

Maith An Cailin (IRE)

Majborough (FR)

Majestic Moonbeam (IRE)

Majlis (JPN)

Major Sensation (IRE)

Majurca (FR)

Making Country (IRE)

Malak Des Mottes (FR)

Malakiya (IRE)

Malmoos (USA)

Malt Master (IRE)

Man About Town (IRE)

Man Friday (IRE)

Manamite (FR)

Manger Et Trotter (IRE)

Manikon Eros (IRE)

Marchese Marconi (IRE)

Marciano (IRE)

Marhaba Million (IRE)

Mark The Man (IRE)

Market's Field (IRE)

Markets Field (NZ)

Marki (FR)

Marlbrook (IRE)

Marshalled (IRE)

Martinstown (IRE)

Martinstown (IRE)

Masked Phantom (IRE)

Master Malt (GB)

Master Milan (IRE)

Master Tern (USA)

Masters Of War (IRE)

Matcho Pierji (FR)

Mclaurey (IRE)

Measure Of The Man (GB)

Meetingofthewaters (IRE)

Meetmebythesea (IRE)

Megans Legacy (IRE)

Melody Of Scotland (FR)

Mem O'Rees (GB)

Mentor (IRE)

Meritorious (IRE)

Merveillo (GB)

Miami Beach (GB)

Mica Malpic (FR)

Micheal Flips (IRE)

Mick Pastor (FR)

Mick The Tooth (IRE)

Micks (IRE)

Midnight Stroll (IRE)

Mikado (GB)

Milan Bound (IRE)

Milan Tino (IRE)

Milk Market (IRE)

Milreu Has (FR)

Mind The Square (IRE)

Minella Berry (IRE)

Minella Foru (IRE)

Minella Rocco (IRE)

Minella Till Dawn (IRE)

Minella Times (IRE)

Minellafordollars (IRE)

Mini Sensation (IRE)

Minotaur (IRE)

Miracle In Medinah (GB)

Mirazur West (IRE)

Miss March (IRE)

Miss Pronunciation (IRE)

Miss Sarenne (FR)

Mission Complete (IRE)

Mister W K (IRE)

Mitiva (FR)

Mixmoon (FR)

Mm Dazzler (IRE)

Mocacreme Has (FR)

Modus (GB)

Moment In History (IRE)

Momma Mia (IRE)

Mon Lino (FR)

Monarch (IRE)

Moncadou (FR)

Money Belt (IRE)

Money Line (IRE)

Money Order (IRE)

Money Point (IRE)

Moneywise (IRE)

Monjoyau (FR)

Montdragon (FR)

Monte Vista (IRE)

Montevideo (GB)

Montregard (FR)

Montrel (GB)

Moonlight Boy (IRE)

Moratorium (USA)

More Of That (IRE)

More Of The Same (IRE)

Morning Line (IRE)

Morosini (FR)

Moscow Maui (IRE)

Mount Brandon (IRE)

Mount Sion (IRE)

Mountain Tunes (IRE)

Movewiththetimes (IRE)

Moville (IRE)

Moving Water (IRE)

Moyglass (IRE)

Mr Anderson (IRE)

Mr Mole (IRE)

Mr One More (IRE)

Mrs Macker (IRE)

Mulgrave Street (GB)

Mulgrave Street (IRE)

Multeen River (IRE)

Munster Pride (IRE)

Music Pick (IRE)

Music To My Ears (IRE)

Music To My Ears (IRE)

Musical Knight (IRE)

Musical Slave (IRE)

Must Bite (GB)

My Hometown (IRE)

My Kind Of Town (IRE)

My Noble Lord (USA)

My Old Segosha (IRE)

My Tent Or Yours (IRE)

My Whirlwind (IRE)

Mylo (GB)

Mystical Power (IRE)

Mythical Warrior (IRE)

Mywayofthinkin (IRE)

Nadiya De La Vega (FR)

Nailed On (IRE)

Nailer (IRE)

Naos De Mirande (FR)

Nara (FR)

National Park (GER)

Native City (IRE)

Naughty But Nice (IRE)

Navado (USA)

Near Perfection (IRE)

Nearly Nama\'d (IRE)

Nebeltau (GER)

Ned Buntline (GB)

Ned Of The Hill (IRE)

Need To Talk (IRE)

Needs Must (IRE)

Nelson's Spice (IRE)

Nelson\'s Bridge (IRE)

Never Adapt (FR)

Never Enough Time (IRE)

Never Off Duty (IRE)

Neveradullmoment (IRE)

New Field (IRE)

New Romance (IRE)

New Rules (IRE)

New Time (IRE)

New York Style (GB)

Nice To Have (IRE)

Nicely Presented (IRE)

Nicholas Street (IRE)

Nick Brody (IRE)

Nimix De Juilley (FR)

Nineohtwooneoh (IRE)

No Better Man (IRE)

No Big Deal (IRE)

No Cash Flow (IRE)

No Comment (GB)

No Conscience (IRE)

No Flies On Him (IRE)

No Kidding (IRE)

No Notions (IRE)

No Ordinary Joe (IRE)

No Routine (IRE)

No Score (IRE)

No Where To Hyde (IRE)

Noah Webster (IRE)

Noble Emperor (IRE)

Noble King (IRE)

Noble Robin (IRE)

Nomansland (IRE)

Nor'nor'east (IRE)

North Carolina (IRE)

Norwigi (IRE)

Nostringsattached (IRE)

Not A Bob (IRE)

Not At All (FR)

Notimelikedpresent (IRE)

O What A Girl (IRE)

O'callaghan Strand (AUS)

Oathkeeper (IRE)

Odds And Ends (IRE)

Odds Or Evens (IRE)

Oenologue (FR)

Of The Moment (IRE)

Off And On (IRE)

Off Duty (IRE)

Off Gallivanting (GB)

Off She Goes (IRE)

Off The Charts (IRE)

Off The Mark (IRE)

Off You Go (IRE)

Oficial Ben (IRE)

Oh Be The Hokey (IRE)

Ok Corral (IRE)

Ok Oscar (IRE)

Olaso (GER)

Olay Olay (IRE)

Old Brigade (IRE)

Old Pals Act (IRE)

Old Time (IRE)

On Reflection (GB)

On The Dry (IRE)

On The Forty (GB)

On The Fringe (IRE)

On The Hour (IRE)

On The March (NZ)

On The Mend (IRE)

On The Off Chance (GB)

On The Other Hand (IRE)

On The Record (IRE)

On The Way Home (IRE)

On You Go (IRE)

Once A Brownie (IRE)

One Fair County (IRE)

One Last Tango (IRE)

One Step Ahead (IRE)

Onefortheroadtom (GB)

Open Day (IRE)

Open For Business (IRE)

Open The Door (IRE)

Opens All Doors (IRE)

Operation Overlord (IRE)

Osana (FR)

Oscar Carrara (IRE)

Oscar Knight (IRE)

Oscar Lyons (IRE)

Oscar's Advance (IRE)

Our Soiree (IRE)

Out For A Stroll (IRE)

Out Of The Blue (IRE)

Out Of The Game (GB)

Out Of The Loop (GB)

Outlaw Pete (IRE)

Outlier (IRE)

Outspoken (IRE)

Over The Bar (IRE)

Over The Blues (IRE)

Over The Hill (IRE)

Overbury Affair (GB)

Owen Mc (IRE)

Ozeta (FR)

Pacelli Road (IRE)

Pack Your Bags (IRE)

Pagero (FR)

Pairc Na Ngael (IRE)

Palmers Hill (IRE)

Palmridge (GER)

Panther Creek (IRE)

Par Five (IRE)

Park Of Kings (IRE)

Park Ranger (IRE)

Park That (IRE)

Parnell Street (IRE)

Pasley (IRE)

Pass It On (IRE)

Pass The Ball (IRE)

Passmore (GB)

Pax (IRE)

Pay No Heed (IRE)

Pearl King (IRE)

Pearl Of Your Life (IRE)

Peggy\'s Leg (USA)

Pen To Paper (GB)

Pencilled In (IRE)

Pendra (IRE)

Penny Hall (IRE)

Peoples Park (IRE)

Pep Talk (IRE)

Perce Rock (GB)

Perceval Legallois (FR)

Persia (IRE)

Persistent (IRE)

Personality Based (IRE)

Petit Tonnerre (FR)

Phar And Away (IRE)

Phariwarmer (IRE)

Phoenix Way (IRE)

Phoudamour (FR)

Pietro Vannucci (IRE)

Pike County (IRE)

Pittsburgh Phil (IRE)

Plan A (IRE)

Plassey House (IRE)

Play With The Wind (IRE)

Please Talk (IRE)

Plinth (IRE)

Plouios (IRE)

Poc Fada (IRE)

Pocket Reader (GB)

Point Blank (IRE)

Point Of Rescue (IRE)

Polar Explorer (IRE)

Polkarenix (FR)

Pont Du Gard (FR)

Pop Ahead (IRE)

Porky Rush (IRE)

Porticcio (IRE)

Portland Row (IRE)

Portmore Lough (IRE)

Potion (GB)

Power Of Attorney (IRE)

Powerful (IRE)

Practice Match (IRE)

Practice Round (IRE)

Present Gale (IRE)

Pretty Neat (IRE)

Pretty Obvious (FR)

Pretty Persuasion (IRE)

Pride Of Place (IRE)

Pride Of The Lions (NZ)

Prince Anchises (IRE)

Prince Of Fire (GER)

Prince Of Pirates (IRE)

Princelet (IRE)

Princely Conn (IRE)

Princeton Plains (IRE)

Priory Park (IRE)

Progressive (IRE)

Project Bluebook (FR)

Prompter (GB)

Protek Des Flos (FR)

Proud To Present (IRE)

Publican (IRE)

Puck Out (IRE)

Pull The Other One (IRE)

Pull Your Socks Up (IRE)

Punches Cross (IRE)

Pure Genius (FR)

Pure Steel (IRE)

Pure Vision (IRE)

Putemunderpressure (IRE)

Puturhandstogether (IRE)

Qanta de Thaix (FR)

Qaspal (FR)

Quantitativeeasing (IRE)

Quartz Du Rheu (FR)

Quazy De Joie (FR)

Que Sera Sera (GB)

Queens River (GB)

Quid Pro Quo (IRE)

Quiscover Fontaine (FR)

Quolibet (FR)

Radio Eireann (IRE)

Rae\'s Creek (GB)

Raglan Road (IRE)

Rahan De Marcigny (FR)

Railway Cup (IRE)

Rainman (IRE)

Raise You Five (IRE)

Raise You Ten (IRE)

Raise Your Game (IRE)

Ranging Bear (IRE)

Rate of Knots (IRE)

Rathhill (IRE)

Rathpatrick (IRE)

Read All About It (IRE)

Realism (IRE)

Red Jack (IRE)

Reel Her In (IRE)

Regal Encore (IRE)

Reinas Queen (IRE)

Reizovic (IRE)

Remember Now (IRE)

Remote Control (IRE)

Return To Base (IRE)

Rhinestone (IRE)

Ridinghill Jake (IRE)

Right Of Way (IRE)

Ring Them Bells (GB)

Risk Accessor (IRE)

Risk Belle (FR)

Riverside City (IRE)

Riverstown (NZ)

Riviera Sun (IRE)

Rob The Five (IRE)

Rock De Baune (FR)

Rock Noir (FR)

Rock On Fruity (IRE)

Rock On Rita (IRE)

Rock The World (IRE)

Roconga (IRE)

Rogue Trader (IRE)

Roll It Out (IRE)

Rollinrollinrollin (IRE)

Roman Consul (IRE)

Ronde De Nuit (FR)

Rory For Glory (IRE)

Roseys Hollow (IRE)

Rosie Mcqueen (IRE)

Ross Bay (IRE)

Rosstemple (IRE)

Rouquine Sauvage (GB)

Rourke\'s Cross (IRE)

Roxboro Lodge (GB)

Roxborough (IRE)

Royal Power (IRE)

Royal Reve (FR)

Royaldou (FR)

Rubaud (FR)

Rum And Butter (IRE)

Run With The Tide (IRE)

Rundell (GB)

Runthatpastmeagain (IRE)

Russet Prince (IRE)

Russian Roulette (IRE)

Sa Majeste (FR)

Sagredo (USA)

Sahara Legend (GB)

Saint Charles (FR)

Saint Roi (FR)

Sainte Doctor (FR)

Salesin (GB)

Salsa Sensation (IRE)

San Rumoldo (GB)

Sancta Simona (FR)

Sandmall (IRE)

Sandpiper Bay (IRE)

Santiago de Cuba (IRE)

Saor Theas (IRE)

Sarazen Bridge (GB)

Sarikaya (IRE)

Sarsfield Street (IRE)

Sassified (IRE)

Sasso (GB)

Saunders Road (IRE)

Saves Time (IRE)

Say A Few Words (IRE)

School Boy Hours (IRE)

Scoir Mear (IRE)

Scoop The Pot (IRE)

Scoter Fontaine (FR)

Search For A Myth (IRE)

See How He Goes (IRE)

See The Rock (IRE)

See U Bob (IRE)

Senior Again (IRE)

Serious Fun (IRE)

Seriously Funny (IRE)

Set In My Ways (IRE)

Seventy Three (IRE)

Sexton Street (IRE)

Shackleton (IRE)

Shadow Dancer (IRE)

Shadow Rider (FR)

Shady Operator (IRE)

Shajak (IRE)

Shamawan (IRE)

Shannon Fields (IRE)

Shannon Tide (IRE)

Shanpallas (IRE)

Shantilly Lace (IRE)

Shantou Ed (IRE)

Shariyan (IRE)

She's Made It (IRE)

Sheehan\'s Cross (IRE)

Sherkin Island (IRE)

Shield (IRE)

Shift And Drift (IRE)

Short Memory (IRE)

Short Term (IRE)

Shot From The Hip (GER)

Shot Of The Day (IRE)

Showurappreciation (IRE)

Shuffle The Deck (IRE)

Shutter Island (IRE)

Shutthebackdoor (IRE)

Shutthefrontdoor (IRE)

Siberian Sun (IRE)

Sideline Cut (IRE)

Signatory (USA)

Silent Jo (JPN)

Silver Canyon (IRE)

Silver Steel (GB)

Silverhand (IRE)

Simon Gray (GB)

Simply Majestic (IRE)

Sine Qua Non (FR)

Sir Abbot (IRE)

Sir Bob (IRE)

Sir Erec (IRE)

Sir Mulberry Hawk (GB)

Sir Scorpion (IRE)

Sire Du Berlais (FR)

Sister Slew (IRE)

Sitcom (IRE)

Skin Deep (IRE)

Skip A Beat (IRE)

Slanagaibhgoleir (IRE)

Slippery Slope (IRE)

Slowmotion (FR)

Smart Casual (GB)

Smart Thinking (IRE)

Smoking Aces (IRE)

Smuggler's Song (IRE)

Snake Eyes (IRE)

Snakes And Ladders (IRE)

So Scottish (FR)

So They Tell Me (IRE)

Soft Focus (IRE)

Soir De Chantenay (FR)

Soir De Gala (FR)

Solar System (FR)

Some Article (IRE)

Some Hawk (GB)

Some Wait (GB)

Son Du Berlais (FR)

Son Of Anarchy (IRE)

Song In My Heart (IRE)

Song of Songs (GB)

Sonowyouno (IRE)

Sonowyouno (IRE)

Sort It Out (IRE)

Sound Amigo (IRE)

Sounds Good (IRE)

South America (NZ)

South Liberties (IRE)

Space Telescope (IRE)

Spades Are Trumps (IRE)

Spanish Auriga (IRE)

Spanish Tan (NZ)

Spare A Thought (IRE)

Spate River (GB)

Speak Easy (GB)

Speakerofthehouse (NZ)

Special Friend (IRE)

Speckled Wood (IRE)

Spectait (GB)

Specular (AUS)

Spick And Span (IRE)

Spider Web (IRE)

Spidey (IRE)

Spike And Divel (IRE)

Spillane's Tower (IRE)

Spirit of New York (IRE)

Splashing Out (IRE)

Spoiled Rotten (IRE)

Spokesman (GB)

Sporting John (IRE)

Sporting Limerick (IRE)

Sportsmaster (IRE)

Spot The Ball (IRE)

Spot Thedifference (IRE)

Spring Forward (IRE)

Spring Watch (IRE)

Springbok Seia (FR)

Spruced Up (IRE)

Spyglass Hill (IRE)

Square Ball (IRE)

Square Mile (IRE)

Square Root (IRE)

Squouateur (FR)

St John's Square (IRE)

Staker Wallace (IRE)

Stakers (NZ)

Stand Up And Fight (IRE)

Startinfromscratch (IRE)

State Of The Art (IRE)

State The Obvious (IRE)

Stay Local (IRE)

Stealing Time (IRE)

Stealthy Tom (IRE)

Steamboat Quay (IRE)

Steer Clear (IRE)

Stencil (GB)

Step Into My Shoes (IRE)

Step Right In (IRE)

Step Right Up (IRE)

Stephenstown (GB)

Stick The Lowman (IRE)

Sticwiththeprocess (GB)

Stillwater Cove (IRE)

Stocktons Wing (IRE)

Stonebrook (IRE)

Stonehall Vic (IRE)

Stonesinmypocket (IRE)

Stoneville (IRE)

Stop The Clock (IRE)

Storm Survivor (IRE)

Stradbrook (IRE)

Strangford Lough (IRE)

Straw Bear (USA)

Streets Of Gold (IRE)

Stretchingthetruth (IRE)

Strong Current (GB)

Strongly Suggested (GB)

Style De Vole (FR)

Suit Yourself (IRE)

Suits Me Fine (IRE)

Sully D'oc Aa (FR)

Sundeck (FR)

Sundial (IRE)

Sundown Trail (IRE)

Sunnyhillboy (IRE)

Sunnyhillboy (IRE)

Sunset Showdown (IRE)

Sunsetstorise (IRE)

Sunshineandshowers (IRE)

Supreme Keano (IRE)

Sutton Place (IRE)

Sway (FR)

Sweeps Hill (NZ)

Swiss Cottage (GB)

Sword Fighter (IRE)

Sword Fish (IRE)

Synchronised (IRE)

T'araison (FR)

Tails Onthe Ground (IRE)

Tait\'s Clock (IRE)

Take A Shot (IRE)

Take A Stroll (IRE)

Take Five (IRE)

Take Me Out (IRE)

Take Tea (IRE)

Take The Floor (IRE)

Takeittothelimits (IRE)

Taketimeout (IRE)

Taking My Cut (GB)

Taking Stock (IRE)

Talking Tactics (IRE)

Tangled Web (IRE)

Tap Night (USA)

Tara Mia (IRE)

Tarakan (IRE)

Tarlac (GER)

Tarvini (IRE)

Taste Of More (IRE)

Teacher's Pet (IRE)

Team Allstar (IRE)

Tee Box (GB)

Teeming Rain (IRE)

Telefis Eireann (IRE)

Tell Me The Story (IRE)

Temple Lord (FR)

Tempsford (USA)

Ten Bob (IRE)

Ten Ten (IRE)

Tesseract (IRE)

Testoftime (IRE)

Tex Morgan (IRE)

Thanksforthehelp (FR)

That's A Wrap (GB)

That's An Idea (IRE)

That's Nice (IRE)

Thatbeatsbanagher (IRE)

Thats More Like It (IRE)

The Alder (IRE)

The Bear Trap (IRE)

The Big Apple (IRE)

The Boxer Roche (IRE)

The Caddy (IRE)

The Connector (IRE)

The Doorman (IRE)

The Eaglehaslanded (IRE)

The Equaliser (NZ)

The Gatechecker (IRE)

The Gatherer (IRE)

The Good Stuff (IRE)

The Gunner Murphy (IRE)

The Hamptons (IRE)

The Hurl (IRE)

The Jigger (IRE)

The Kop End (IRE)

The Last Hour (IRE)

The Living Beauty (IRE)

The Logical Man (IRE)

The Long Mile (GB)

The Mad Robertson (IRE)

The Major General (IRE)

The Merry Giant (IRE)

The Moyglass Flyer (IRE)

The Olympian (IRE)

The Organist (IRE)

The Parishioner (IRE)

The Pennys Dropped (IRE)

The Pike (IRE)

The Rising Moon (IRE)

The Saint James (FR)

The Same Again (IRE)

The Seanachie (IRE)

The Shoe Doctor (IRE)

The Shunter (IRE)

The Tack Room (GB)

The Tall Texan (IRE)

The Tallyman (IRE)

The Very Man (IRE)

The Wallpark (IRE)

The Way It Is (IRE)

The Way We Were (IRE)

The Westener Boy (IRE)

Thecosyman (IRE)

Thecraicisninety (GB)

Thedevilscoachman (IRE)

Thegreatjohnbrowne (IRE)

There Is No Point (IRE)

There Was A Time (IRE)

There You Are (GB)

There You Go (IRE)

Theres One For You (IRE)

Think Out Loud (GB)

Thirsty Work (IRE)

Thomas Edison (IRE)

Thomond Bridge (IRE)

Thomond Park (IRE)

Thomondgate (IRE)

Three In A Row (IRE)

Thunderstorm (IRE)

Tidjani (IRE)

Tiger Bay Queen (IRE)

Tigris River (IRE)

Time Factor (IRE)

Time Flies By (IRE)

Time For A Pause (IRE)

Time Goes By (IRE)

Time Of Day (IRE)

Time Please (IRE)

Time To Get Up (IRE)

Timing\'severything (IRE)

Timiyan (USA)

Tip Of My Tongue (IRE)

Title Race (IRE)

To Live (FR)

Tobar Na Gaoise (IRE)

Tomorrow Mystery (GB)

Tooteen Hill (IRE)

Top Hit (IRE)

Top Lassie (IRE)

Top Moon (FR)

Top Of The Head (GB)

Top of The Left (GB)

Top Rate (IRE)

Top Ref (IRE)

Top Spin (IRE)

Top To Toe (GB)

Torphichen (GB)

Torso of Fire (IRE)

Tory Hill (IRE)

Touch Base (IRE)

Touch Judge (IRE)

Tough As Teak (IRE)

Tower Bridge (IRE)

Toyshop (FR)

Trapista (FR)

Travertine (IRE)

Treasure Chest (IRE)

Tree of Knowledge (IRE)

Tri Na Ceile (IRE)

Tried And Tested (IRE)

Triplicate (IRE)

Tritonix (IRE)

Tropical Island (IRE)

True That (IRE)

Trupenny Bit (IRE)

Trustyourinstinct (IRE)

Turkey Creek (IRE)

Twist 'N Shout (GB)

Two For The Road (IRE)

Two Miles West (IRE)

Uaintseenothingyet (GB)

Uhavemeinstitches (IRE)

Uisce Beatha (IRE)

Unconditional (IRE)

Under Control (FR)

Under The Clock (IRE)

Unexcepted (FR)

Unicorn (IRE)

Unique De Cotte (FR)

Unowhatimeanharry (GB)

Up For Discussion (GB)

Up For The Match (IRE)

Update (NZ)

Upsie (FR)

Urban (IRE)

Urhavinalaugh (IRE)

Ursumman (IRE)

Uxizandre (FR)

V Neck (IRE)

Vaihau (FR)

Valain (IRE)

Valley View (IRE)

Vedelle (IRE)

Vent De La Cote (FR)

Venture Capital (IRE)

Verdant Place (IRE)

Veripek (FR)

Vermouth Bleu (FR)

Vicar Street (IRE)

Vintage Gold (USA)

Virtue (GB)

Vision Du Puy (FR)

Voices Of Spring (IRE)

Vujiyama (FR)

Vulcanite (IRE)

Waaheb (USA)

Wait A Minute (IRE)

Wait A Second (IRE)

Wait For The Call (IRE)

Wait Here (IRE)

Wal Buck's (FR)

Walk Me Home (IRE)

Walk Over (IRE)

Wanango (GER)

Washed Ashore (IRE)

Washington Road (IRE)

Waterford Whispers (IRE)

Waterville (IRE)

Waver (IRE)

Waves And Wind (IRE)

Waxies Dargle (GB)

We Had It All Said (IRE)

Wee Anthony (IRE)

Weihnachts (IRE)

Welcome Aboard (IRE)

Welcome Back (IRE)

Well Aggie (IRE)

Well Covered (IRE)

Well Dressed (IRE)

Well Hello There (IRE)

Well Saved (IRE)

Well Sharp (GB)

Well Taken (IRE)

Well Young Man (IRE)

Western Boy (IRE)

What Else (IRE)

What's New (IRE)

Whataboutya (IRE)

Whatadifference (USA)

Whatareudoingtome (IRE)

Whatchamacallit (IRE)

Whatdoyouknow (IRE)

Whatever It Takes (IRE)

Whatsanotheryear (IRE)

Whatsforuwontgobyu (IRE)

Whatwasthatabout (IRE)

Whatwillwecallher (IRE)

Wheels Up (IRE)

When I\'m Sixtyfour (IRE)

Where's The Boss (GB)

Wherehaveyoubeen (IRE)

Which Half (IRE)

Which One Is Which (GB)

Whistling Senator (IRE)

White Arm (FR)

Whizbang (IRE)

Who Dares (IRE)

Whosaidso (IRE)

Wichita Lineman (IRE)

Wickham Street (IRE)

Wigs On The Green (IRE)

Wild Dollar (IRE)

Wild West (IRE)

Will Take Charge (IRE)

William Du Berlais (FR)

Willie Gunn (IRE)

Win Some Lose Some (IRE)

Winged Arrow (IRE)

Wink Wink (IRE)

Winner Take All (IRE)

Winner Takes Itall (FR)

Wins Now (GB)

Winter Escape (IRE)

Wipe Your Eye (IRE)

Wipe Your Eye (GB)

Wise Old Owl (IRE)

Wise Oscar (IRE)

Wish Ye Didnt (IRE)

Womalko (FR)

Woodville Lady (IRE)

Woodville Manor (IRE)

World Premier (FR)

World Wide Web (IRE)

Worldly Wise (GB)

Worthy Award (IRE)

Wouldn't You Agree (IRE)

Wyck Hill (IRE)

Yaboya (IRE)

Yanworth (GB)

Yayo (IRE)

Yellow Flag (GB)

Yeoman's Point (IRE)

You Can Call Me Al (IRE)

You Little Daisy (IRE)

You Take Care (IRE)

Youcannotbeserious (IRE)

Youknowell (IRE)

Young American (IRE)

Your Wan (IRE)

Yours Forever (IRE)

Yukon River (IRE)

Zamdy Man (GB)

Zarakash (IRE)

Zenta (FR)

Zion (IRE)