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Afterthegoldrush (IRE)
Aherla Rock (IRE)
Ajiaal (GB)
Alegendinmyownmind (GB)
Allez Monk (IRE)
Answer Ur Phone (IRE)
Anyone Home (IRE)
Apologynotaccepted (USA)
Apples And Bananas (IRE)
Arctic Freedom (USA)
Assertive Walk (IRE)
Autocratic (IRE)
Ballyann Lewis (IRE)
Beechwood Ella (IRE)
Beescatty (IRE)
Beyond Belief (IRE)
Beyond Our Reach (IRE)
Big Stage (IRE)
Bigshot Lacewell (USA)
Birth Of Venus (IRE)
Bishops Walk (IRE)
Blue Russian H (GB)
Boca Raton (IRE)
Bombs Away (IRE)
Boston Rose (IRE)
Buckman Tavern (FR)
Burning Ambition (IRE)
Cadogan (GB)
Can'thelpfallin (IRE)
Cecelia Clementine (IRE)
Celestial Orbit (GB)
Celtic Cub (IRE)
Champagne On Ice (IRE)
Champagne Train (USA)
Charle Brune (FR)
Charles (SAF)
Cheerupsleepyjean (FR)
Chesapeake Shores (IRE)
Choice Of Words (GB)
Cider House Rules (SAF)
Clinging Vine (USA)
Clongibbon Rose (IRE)
Cocktail Time (IRE)
Come Back To Me (IRE)
Come To Heel (IRE)
Cradle Of Love (IRE)
Crazylittlething (IRE)
Croqueta (IRE)
Cry Me A River (IRE)
Czabo (GB)
Daisy Chain (IRE)
Dandy Alys (IRE)
Dark Charm (USA)
Dawning (IRE)
Decipher (IRE)
Decorated My Life (IRE)
Derby Rock (IRE)
Diamond Oasis (GB)
Do Brazil (IRE)
Domino Queen (IRE)
Dont Contradict Me (IRE)
Down The Road (IRE)
Dragon Fly (FR)
Dreamingndiamonds (USA)
Dreams Place H (IRE)
Dusty In Memphis (USA)
East Of Eden (IRE)
Easy In Love (USA)
Elusive Kid (USA)
Empress Of Beauty (FR)
Enchanted Garden (IRE)
Esentepe (IRE)
Ete Indien (USA)
Etoile (FR)
Extraordinary (IRE)
Fair Wind (GB)
Falconize (IRE)
Farnaleen (IRE)
Fasolo (GER)
Fast Response (IRE)
First Kiss (IRE)
Fitzroy Gardens (IRE)
Flagsofourfathers (IRE)
Foronceinmylife (IRE)
Forty Licks (IRE)
Forty Winks (FR)
Free Copy (USA)
Gallonray (IRE)
Garden Route (IRE)
Gather Ye Rosebuds (GB)
Georgia On My Mind (IRE)
Glocca Mora (GB)
Goodnight Irene (IRE)
Gotcha Covered (GB)
Gotomylovely (IRE)
Grand Job (USA)
Grande Dame (GB)
Grooveykindoflove (FR)
Guinevere's Spirit (IRE)
Gypsy Eyes (IRE)
Hair Of Gold (IRE)
Hangisi (IRE)
Happy In Love (IRE)
Harmony P H (IRE)
Harvestfortheworld (IRE)
Heart Of The City (IRE)
Heldtoransom (IRE)
Hollie Point (GB)
Hot Off The Press (IRE)
Hurricane Jojo (IRE)
I Am Magical (GB)
Ifyoucouldseemenow (IRE)
Iiex Excelsa (IRE)
Immortal Beauty (IRE)
Inhale (GB)
Interim (IRE)
Island Girl (IRE)
It'sonlyjustbegun (IRE)
Itmusthavebeenlove (IRE)
I\'vegotafeeling (GB)
Jeremiah Johnson (IRE)
Jodi\'s Oscar (IRE)
Joss's Glory (IRE)
Just For One Day (IRE)
Justaroundmidnight (IRE)
Karetta Davis (FR)
Kentucky Woman (IRE)
Kilkarney Mai (IRE)
Kingston Retreat (GB)
Lady Hayes (IRE)
Lady Pink Rose (GB)
Laffina (USA)
Landriani (IRE)
Leaf (IRE)
Legendsofthefall (IRE)
Lifting Me Higher (IRE)
Likeaflamingo (IRE)
Lipslikecherries (GB)
Littlesilverfishes (IRE)
Lonesome Dove (IRE)
Long Long Time (IRE)
Look Of Love (IRE)
Lookintogetlucky (USA)
Lord Luca (IRE)
Louve Royale (IRE)
Lush Lips (GB)
Mackenzie Miller (IRE)
Mariner Boy (GB)
Married In A Fever (IRE)
Memory Motel (GB)
Miss Corby (IRE)
Mood Altering (IRE)
More Than A Feelin (IRE)
Mount McLeod (IRE)
Mr Nicolls (IRE)
Mrs U S A (IRE)
Mummy Bear (IRE)
My Eyes Adore You (IRE)
Mystery Woman (IRE)
Nayslayer (IRE)
Neddy Doocey (IRE)
Night In Paris (FR)
No Woman No Kry (GB)
Noblest (GB)
Nope (IRE)
Nordhock (USA)
Novel Concept (IRE)
Now You're Talking (IRE)
Obsess (FR)
Paloma Blanca (IRE)
Parkers Mill (IRE)
Pat Costello (IRE)
Peace Burg (FR)
Pepper Sprout (IRE)
Peres Et Fils (IRE)
Phil The Fluter (SAF)
Piece of Paradise (IRE)
Place De L'etoile (IRE)
Prize Fighter (IRE)
Pure Of Heart (IRE)
Pussycat Lips (IRE)
Queen Of Connaught (GB)
Rainbeam (IRE)
Rainyniteingeorgia (IRE)
Regal Statesman (IRE)
Replication (IRE)
Robindevidastar (IRE)
Rocket Science (IRE)
Rollingontheriver (IRE)
Roowest (IRE)
Royal Empress (IRE)
Rustic Flame (IRE)
Sakkara (IRE)
Saldanha Bay (IRE)
Sangria (IRE)
Satoshi (SAF)
Say You Say Me (GB)
Shake Troy (IRE)
Shandy (IRE)
She's A Lil Flirt (USA)
She's The Duchess (GB)
Shorana (IRE)
Silky (IRE)
Simply A Dream (IRE)
Singforthemoment (IRE)
Skiboski (FR)
Slip Sliding Away (IRE)
Solitary Man (IRE)
Somebody To Love (IRE)
Something Abouther (IRE)
Something Fishy (IRE)
Sonfilledrays (IRE)
Springbecamesummer (GB)
Startedwithakiss (IRE)
Strategy (GB)
Striking (IRE)
Sunglow (IRE)
Tamarama (GB)
Tango Time (IRE)
Tangoonthespoons (IRE)
The Great Unknown (IRE)
The Nightingale (USA)
There Runs Mary (IRE)
Thewaytosanjose (IRE)
Thisoldheartofmine (IRE)
Thisoleheartofmine (USA)
Toastnjam (USA)
Total Euphoria (IRE)
Triple Axel (IRE)
Tungsten Steel (IRE)
Twistthenightaway (IRE)
Two Fools Collide (SAF)
Two Fools Collide (GB)
Ultima D (USA)
Undertheboardwalk (IRE)
Undeutroi (FR)
Unveiled (IRE)
Varshini (IRE)
Vinyl (IRE)
Walk On Bye (IRE)
Walking On Air (IRE)
Walklikeanegyptian (IRE)
Waltzing Matilda (IRE)
Wasatch Range (GB)
Whenwilliseeuagain (IRE)
Whiskey Mac (SAF)
Wichita Woman (IRE)
Winslet (IRE)
Witch Of The Wood (IRE)
Wooden Heart (IRE)
Words Of A Prophet (IRE)
Yesterdayoncemore (IRE)
You Send Me (IRE)
You'resobeautiful (IRE)
Young Dude (IRE)
Young General (IRE)
Zenga (GB)
Zulu Queen (IRE)